Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you one type of reading activity. We will use the tablets, because pupils have to scan a QR code. In this code, there will be a reading, which talks about one mysterious story... QR code: First, they will read the story themselves in silence. When they have finished reading the story, we will start to read it aloud, to explain if they have any doubts of any words or expressions that they don't understand. Following this activity, the teacher will put on the whiteboard a Kahoot code, then pupils have to write it into their tablets to enter the quizzes game, can see their name or nicknames that they have created, on the leaderboard. Kahoot is an interactive game-based, we-based learning platform, and can consist of various question types. In this case, I created a Quizzy, which consists of multiple-choice questions. They are able to get immediate feedback when choosing or answering questions. And they can see how their responses rate relativ...